This access to professional artists has long been one of the things that sets MAC apart from the competition, and it was crucial that the new concept store not lose that. In the centre of the new MAC Cosmetics store, professional makeup artists are more than ready to provide their expertise. The MAC PASS saw the strongest engagement with more than a third of consumers in-store leveraging the capability. this store (an average of all the engagement rates at each experience). In the first month, we saw a 200%+ increase in engagement. This is average store engagement with comparable digital tools vs. This leads to a truly unique experience in which choices made digitally are effortlessly brought into the real world.
This innovation makes it easier to keep track of the new lipstick you might have explored at the Lips station and use that information to build out a full look by choosing complimentary products at the Eyes and Face stations. Signing into MAC Pass also allows the interactive try on screens at each station to recognize the customer and allows their preferences to follow them throughout the shopping experience.
The eventual goal is to build out a full consumer profile by connecting any offline engagement with online engagement. MAC Pass builds out an engagement profile (MAC PASS STUDIO) which collects information about consumers’ favourite products and shades, selfies, gifs, etc, and saves the information for the customer to easily access later.
Within the concept store, the connected experience begins with the customer checking in via MAC Pass by scanning a personal QR code at one of the stations (Lips, Eyes or Face). Now, MAC customers have access to a singular experience within the cosmetics industry. This concept store is a retail lab testing innovations with live consumers and then sharing successful experiences with the rest of the store fleet. In order to meet these needs, Mac decided to revitalize and demonstrate innovation and cutting-edge retail experiences within their retail stores, starting with an innovative one-off concept store in Queens, NYC. Sonia Anand, Director, Omnichannel Experience “MAC has always been a market leader in beauty and artistry, and we are looking to build out an experience that will drive the future of beauty retail, while providing our consumers with the best service that they have come to expect and appreciate from the brand.” Like a number of brands, MAC wanted to create a new experience for their customers that would not only change the way they interacted with the brand, but that would change the way they tried on and purchased makeup for the foreseeable future. They aren't set up yet for use at the Halifax Stanfield International Airport or the Confederation Bridge.In a world of connected experiences and dynamic spaces, the relationship with the customer is key. The same transponder can be used at Cobequid Pass and the bridges, but a second account is required there, MacDonald said. The new ones only cost the bridge commission a dollar, compared to $20 for the old ones.Īnyone who wants to switch out their old MacPass can do so at the MacPass office in Dartmouth. While MacPass users don't have to pay for the device, MacDonald said the new sticker means big savings for Halifax Harbour Bridges. "We should have times when people get stuck behind a gate," she said. She said the new sticker may be small, but it's more reliable and accurate than the old technology. She said the bridge commission has replaced the readers at the toll so they can read both the new and old MacPasses. MacDonald said the old MacPass will continue to work, and they have no plans to phase them out. The new MacPass can be installed in the same spot as the old one.